What's Your Grief Podcast (grief in the media)

Seeing as a lot of us are spending more time at home than usual, we asked our readers/listeners for some of the best depictions of grief in movies and television. In this episode, we share your responses and our thoughts. 

Direct download: Whats_Your_Grief_E3_MIXED.mp3
Category:grief in the media -- posted at: 11:21am EDT

We've been telling you for weeks to get caught up on NBC's 'This is Us' because we're going to talk about it.  Well, today is the day.  If you've been watching This is Us, then you've probably noticed the many grief themes that have played out in episodes 1-11.  In this episode of the What's Your Grief Podcast, we discuss four of the main grief themes that we've observed in this critically acclaimed television show.

Notes: www.whatsyourgrief.com/forty-six

Direct download: January_11th.mp3
Category:grief in the media -- posted at: 4:12pm EDT

In this special edition of the What's Your Grief Podcast Litsa and Eleanor discuss the recent Gilmore Girls revival. Not your typical gossip session, this discussion focuses specifically on the grief themes the hosts observed throughout the four episode season.

'Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life' meets up with the Gilmore women a decade after the original series ended and four months after the death of spouse, father, and grandfather Richard Gilmore. True to life, each character handles grief in their own unique way.

P.S. There will be a few spoilers.

Direct download: gilmore_girls_podcast.mp3
Category:grief in the media -- posted at: 1:59pm EDT