What's Your Grief Podcast (Coping)

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Direct download: Podcast__The_Weekend.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 11:26am EDT

What have you stopped doing since experiencing the death of your loved one?  More specifically, what do you no longer do that you used to previously enjoy or find fulfilling? These may be things that you stopped doing them because you don't have the time, they require too much effort, they remind you of your loved one, or they seem less fun.  These are things like walking your dog in the evening, going to church on Sunday, getting a hair cut, cooking dinner a few times a week, art, listening to music, coffee with a friend, journaling, finding daily gratitudes, new hobbies, 20 minutes of exercise, going to the movies, reading, going on a vacation, scrapbooking, building something, volunteering.

Now what if I told you that by deliberately deciding to do these things again, or by choosing new things to try, that you might start to feel a little bit better? Or that by doing these things you were actually, in many ways, coping with your grief?

Direct download: march_20.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 3:15pm EDT

As if parenting we’re hard enough, you’ve recently experienced the death of someone you love. You’ve done your best to shelter your children from death, loss, and grief for their entire lives, and now it seems you have no choice but to allow these frightening realities into your family home.  Even if your child is not directly impacted by the loss, the pain of one family member often affects the family as a whole. In order for you, the parent or guardian, to be an engaged, patient, consistent, and loving presence, you have to deal with the intense emotional, mental, and physical impact of grief.  In this episode of the What's Your Grief podcast, we discuss the reasons why grieving parents and guardians tend to put their own grief on the back burner and we provide a rationale for why and how you should find time to cope with your grief related thoughts, emotions, and experiences.

Show Notes: www.whatsyourgrief.com/thirty-five

Direct download: March_4.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 11:44am EDT

In this episode of the What's Your Grief Podcast, Litsa and Eleanor discuss their grief favorites - favorite movies, favorite songs, favorite books, and even favorite grief cliche they love to hate.  Listen to this episode to hear their recommendations and then share your own favorites with the WYG community in the page comments or on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using the hashtag #GriefFavorites.

Show Notes: www.whatsyourgrief.com/twenty-seven/


Direct download: favs.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 12:55pm EDT

After a death, finding grief support in your community can be a confusing task.  Although great resources often exist, many people have limited awareness of them until they're actually needed.  Sadly, there are also times when formal grief support does not exist locally, in these cases people must find help and healing in other places.  In this episode of the What's Your Grief Podcast, we detail the types of resources that exist, how to find them, and what to do when formal support can not be found in your own community.

Show Notes: whatsyourgrief.com/twenty-four

Direct download: community_resources.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 2:29pm EDT

When times are hard, the support of friends and family members can go a long way.  Yet unfortunately after the death of a loved one relationships can sometimes become changed and strained.  If people don't make an effort to maintain relationships they often lose touch, which can lead to feelings of loneliness, isolation, and secondary loss.  In this episode of the What's Your Grief Podcast, we discuss some of the common reasons why people fall out of touch after experiencing the death of a loved one and simple ways to ensure important relationships aren't lost forever.

Direct download: maintining_relationships.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 12:26pm EDT

How to approach the daunting task of sorting through a loved one's belongings can be a complicated and personal decision.  Objects big and small can trigger a wide range of emotions, from nostalgia and laughter to tears and longing.  Decisions about what to keep, donate and throwaway can also present a range of challenges.  In this episode of the What's Your Grief podcast, we address some of the many questions we receive on this topic and offer some thoughts to get you started.  

Show Notes: www.whatsyourgrief.com/twenty

Direct download: Dealing_With_Loved_Ones_Belongings.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 1:07pm EDT

With decades of grief theory that focused on closure, acceptance, and moving on, it is no wonder that so many grievers feel self-conscious about maintaining ties with their deceased loved one after a certain period of time.  Fortunately, the landscape is changing as theories like the continuing bonds theory have begun to emerge and many now believe that healthy grief involves finding a new and different relationship with the person who died.  In episode #16 of the What's Your Grief Podcast, we discuss continuing bonds and discuss the many different ways people can continue bonds with deceased loved ones.

Direct download: continuing_bonds.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 2:02pm EDT

The practice of finding gratitude is a simple and accessible coping tool that can help to shift your attitude and perspective.  Yet, when you feel like life is awful and unfair, it can seem impossible to find anything to be grateful for.

In this episode the What's Your Grief girls discuss their realistic approach to using gratitude.  They acknowledge there are days when looking for gratitude seems like an obnoxious and futile practice, but encourage you to try and offer concrete ways to search for gratitude that suit different personality types and mindsets.  

Show Notes: www.whatsyourgrief.com/fourteen

Direct download: gratitude.mp3
Category:Coping -- posted at: 10:22am EDT